South Florida's Premier Cycling Club

All weekend rides start - 7:00 AM 

 Volunteer to Lead a Ride   Click Here

 Leader Sign Up Sheet       Click Here

Calling all RIDE LEADERS!!

One of the hallmarks of SBW is that our rides & routes are always different and unique and this is only possible by having many different ride leaders. 

So if you have been thinking about leading a ride . . . now it is your time and we will be behind you (literally) every pedal stroke to guide you.

We are bringing back our monthly $25 Starbucks gift cards & other raffle prizes.

How do you enter, you ask???

Sign up, lead a ride and You're IN!

The more rides you lead, the more entries you get!!!

Winners will be announced once a month on our Newsletter 

If you would like to lead a ride, just enter above or reach out to our Ride Director, Richard Rubin, or any of the other Board Members and let them know what ride you would like to lead.

Pick your group

Intermediate (14-16 mph) for about 30-35 miles

Experienced (16-18 mph) for about 35-40 miles

Advanced (18-20 mph) for about 40-45 miles

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